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University of Zagreb

Faculty of Organization and Informatics


Lectures & Materials

1. Introduction to Product Management

After briefly introducing Speck and the Faculty of Organization and Informatics, we will dive into the definition of product management, the difference between project and product management, as well as the basic terminology every Product Manager should be familiar with.

2. Understanding the Market and Customers

We will discuss the differences between market research and customer development, as well as applications for both methodologies. We will also dive deeper into how to communicate with your existing and potential customers, as well as how customer development interviews are conducted.

3. Design Sprint and Business Model Canvas

You will become familiar with both methodologies that will help you define the key aspects of your product. You will also learn about the difference between an MVP and a full-featured product.

4. Basics of UI/UX for Product Managers

We will touch upon the definition of user experience and user interface, as well as the main concepts that every Product Manager needs to know. You will get to know the differences between lo-fi and hi-fi mockups, as well as how the product design process works.

5. Organization and Communication

We will discuss some of the main methodologies in which you can structure your work and the work of your team, including agile, SCRUM, and waterfall. We will also talk about some of the tools that you can use for collaboration and communication. Furthermore, we will dive deeper into how to facilitate meetings, kick-off workshops, and handle email communication in various situations (including escalations and reports). Finally, we will discuss how AI tools can benefit you and which tools you can start with.

6. Metrics and Goal Setting

Once you build it, you need to measure it. How? Let's find out together. In this module, you will learn about various goal-setting methodologies, including KPIs, OKRS, and SMART goals. We will also delve deeper into what kind of metrics Product Managers should follow, how analytics can be useful to you, and how to choose the right metrics for your product using the North Star methodology.

7. Planning and Estimating

In this module, we will discuss how to create correct and precise estimates, how to structure offers, and how to plan the work of yourself and your team.

8. Product Launch and Marketing

You will get to know the most important operational and marketing activities before, during, and after your product launch.

9. Risk and Crisis Management

In this module, you will learn about various types of risks and how to address them in advance. You will also be provided with some examples of crisis situations and how they were communicated and handled.

10. Pitching and Presentation

During this module, we will go through various types of pitches (elevator, investor, client, sales, user), how a good pitch should look like, and what to focus on. You will also learn about the tools and techniques that can elevate your pitch to an even higher level.

11. Final Pitches and Certificate Ceremony

You and your team will get to pitch the digital product you have been working on throughout Product Academy. Finally, we will follow up with a certificate ceremony, a panel with renowned product managers, and an informal gathering.
